What to Expect with Stress Release Coaching

coaching helps you improve self-image, relationships, health & ability to achieve

Stress Release Coaching is designed to be a wonderful adventure of self-discovery while fostering the peace, power, freedom, and confidence to create what you want in your life.

My approach to coaching is like no other. It is based on what I have concluded and proven to be true through 40 years of study, my personal growth, and 20 years of coaching clients.

Stress is the single greatest obstacle to being our best self, enjoying great relationships, and creating a life we love.

That’s why I created our proprietary Stress Release method which we’ll use in each coaching session to release your current stress, leaving you relaxed, optimistic, and capable of achieving your goals.

Here’s how that plays out in your coaching calls:

  1. First, we’ll talk about what’s causing your stress or keeping you from reaching your goal.
  2. Next, I’ll guide your Stress Release until you feel relaxed, clear-minded, and optimistic.
  3. Finally, we’ll discuss your goal and explore new possibilities for progressing toward it.

Although the focus of our coaching is to relieve your stress, every stress release also brings light to your strengths, talents, passions, and the natural ways of being that are just right for you. Therefore, Stress Release Coaching becomes an empowering journey that helps you thrive in life by being yourself.  What could be better than that?

Before your first session, you’ll be asked to read about the basics of stress, including:

  1. Understanding the Stress Response
  2. What Triggers a Stress Response
  3. How to Identify your Stress Responses

These three posts provide the foundation of knowledge you’ll need before I can guide you to Stress Release during the coaching calls.

Plus, they help make sense of why you feel and react the way you do when stressed which, in and of itself, can relieve some of your stress!

Please post your questions and comments below or call Customer Support at 503-893-2332. I am fully committed to your success and always interested in what you have to say!

Anita Kress, Coach & Founder
The Foundation of Power Stress Release Method