How to identify your stress response

How to Identify your Stress Responses

(Before reading this post, it would be helpful to read the posts entitled “Understanding the Stress Response” and “What Triggers the Stress Response?”) It is important to learn how to identify your stress response because the more stress you can identify, the more stress you can alleviate, and the less you will suffer the negative […]

How to identify your stress response

What Triggers the Stress Response?

(Before reading this post, it would be helpful to read the post entitled “Understanding the Stress Response”) It’s easy to understand why the stress response gets triggered when faced with a real threat like encountering an angry bear.  This post will help you understand why it gets triggered in everyday life. Past threatening incidents can […]

Stress Release Increases Executive Functioning

Understanding the Stress Response

In this post, you’ll learn how stress causes changes in your brain, your body, and your perspective why these changes can cause adverse effects on your health, relationships, and ability to achieve. Stress starts with something called the stress response, aka fight or flight, which is the body’s way of keeping us safe when our […]