Authenticity Quote Being authentic is expanding, energizing and fulfilling. Being inauthentic is constricting, stressful, and demoralizing.

Being Authentic

Being authentic often requires us to stand apart from the rest. Although at the time it may seem easier to go along to get along, eventually when we go along to get along, we end up living an unfulfilled life as someone else instead of a fulfilling life as our best authentic self.   The greatest […]

Urgency distorts decisions

How to make decisions you won’t regret. Our Yes-No-Maybe Rule #2

Yes-No-Maybe Rule #2 – Hit pause when you sense urgency. This is important because stress impedes our ability to make decisions that support our long-term goals and happiness. Here are two reasons why. Stress is a survival state that our brain triggers in response to conditions perceived as unsafe. This stress response instantly changes our mind, […]