Being Authentic

Authenticity Quote Being authentic is expanding, energizing and fulfilling. Being inauthentic is constricting, stressful, and demoralizing.

Although being authentic is good for you, it's not always easy

Being authentic often requires us to stand apart from the rest. Although at the time it may seem easier to go along to get along, eventually when we go along to get along, we end up living an unfulfilled life as someone else instead of a fulfilling life as our best authentic self.


Learn from others but follow yourself

The greatest leaders and most successful people created greatness by being authentic. They didn’t just mimic other’s ideas or methods; they followed their own inner voice to find their unique path to success. So, when you’re tempted to follow others, don’t just imitate them, think about how you might apply their ideas or methods in your own way and become an authentic leader yourself.


An Authentic Story

This blog post was inspired by my own challenge – and revelation – with authenticity as an entrepreneur. You can listen to the first 9 minutes of our subscriber Weekly Training podcast below, which briefly describes my process discovering authenticity this morning. I hope that this quick share will help you relate to being authentic in your life.

(Subscribers can listen to the entire training call by logging into our website subscriber’s page.)


We love our clientsWe’d love to hear your thoughts on authenticity so please leave your comments below.

Tell us your experiences with being (or not being) authentic or ask us questions about how to be more authentic in your life.

We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
